A Dan’s Life has moved.

•August 18, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Its been a long time since I have posted, I’d like to say this is because I have been posting at the new location of ‘A Dan’s Life’ but it is actually because I have been too tired to get round to it.

The new location is here: http://darnip.blogspot.com/

Please go there if you want to read my blog. I will post more regularly. In fact I will even say why I have been too tired to post.


•August 8, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Hehe, paintballing is fun. Although it was incredibly expensive. We ran out of paintballs because we couldn’t afford any new ones about half way through the match, and that isn’t useful. There were lots of little kids whose parents were funding the price of new paintballs. So my friends and I were sitting behind cover being hammered with paintballs, with no way of retaliating. Luckily we were awesome, so when we did have paintballs we won all our games, giving us a lead that the blue team and all their paintballs couldn’t steal off us in the last 2 games.

In the first game we played a deathmatch, where the teams got points for the number of kills they made. We weren’t allowed to camp however, and always had to be moving forwards. I took that last bit a little too literally though, and advanced to the point that I took cover on the otherside of what 2 blue team members were taking cover behind. It was an over turned table. Now there was a 10 foot rule for shooting people because it kinda hurts, but before the marshal could enforce this I was shot in the shoulder and the thigh at point blank range. It hurt, but sadly I wasn’t out because they shot me so close. I have some major bruises now – paintball size!

The next games were capture the flag, where we made our presence felt – having arrived late because we went to the wrong place, the red team were behind. Yet after the next 2 games we were 110 points in front. This was how we won.

I’m boring – should have tried a bit harder to make this blog interesting but I cba.

Have a picture of my bruise

I think paintballs travel at 120 mph

I think paintballs travel at 120 mph


•August 5, 2008 • 1 Comment

For some reason I suck at poker. Well when it’s live with people I do. Maybe we should have switched the dealer round more. Or maybe I shouldn’t have gone all in on 3 and 4 of spades, after getting nothing on the flop. It was the exact hand that my friendly corner companion went out on. Maybe if I had more chips it would have worked as a bluff lol. But there are too many maybes. Basically I lost. But I can blame it on the luck that came my way. My best hand was 2 pair. After betting big I find that 2 of my opponents also have 2 pair. Only to find that they have a pair of sixes come up on the last two cards when my queens and tens was on the flop. And each of them have pocket kings. What is with that? They both have pocket kings, they split the pot. I am really down on chips. So believe me, I was unlucky.

Not only last night did my luck suck. The last poker night I had a total of 3 winning hands – out of every hand I was dealt only 3 of them would have won. It may have been worse last night. The only hands I did win – 2 to be precise, I won by bluffing on the button to win the blinds. I just don’t understand how my luck could be so bad. I was also dealt a lot of hands in case you are wondering!

So yeah, my luck with live poker is awful. When the night before on pokerstars.com for play money I was rly lucky. I was cleaning up. I thought about playing with real money online. But having been addicted (I say addicted but I just played it quite a lot) to the play money one, I shan’t. It’s a slippery slope. Pokerstars has now been deleted from my system just in case. I was of the mindset that £5 wouldn’t hurt, then I could use my winnings to make more. But that leads to a bad place. I’d probly be like ‘another £5 wouldn’t matter…

So I’ll stick to live poker. Next time I think I’ll deal when it’s my turn. That will surely help.

Anyway, paintballing tomorrow. That will be fun, I’ll report on how it went if I remember.

Oh yeah I sold my tank on ebay for £18, but to someone in Ireland. They haven’t yet paid though, so could have problems. But a decent enough price I feel.

Peace out.

No jobs for temporary people

•August 2, 2008 • 1 Comment

Today I did something about my lack of job. I went into town and looked in the window of every single shop that there was to see if there were any vacancy notices. I even went to the out of town shopping area. I found about 10 shops out of a hundred or so which had them. So I went in and enquired, seemed like I could get the job if I wanted, but then every store didn’t want someone for only 2 months. Which was annoying. In Toni & Guy I saw a sign saying ‘Gents Models wanted’. I almost went in for a laugh, but then decided not to. The awkward part where they say ‘you are not quite what we are looking for’ wouldn’t have been that fun. Maybe when my acne has cleared up I could try ;).

So what now? Well I got a few application forms. One for Wilkinsons and one for Card Warehouse. Neither of which appealed too much. I don’t think many of the staff in Wilkinsons spoke English, and both posts are permanent but I shall try applying anyway. I might go to a temping office too, see whether they have anything. Other than that I guess I’ll need to try and sell warhammer – not a great income by any means, but something at least.

One thing that was interesting was looking at the shop windows. I never thought I would find so many vacancies at this time in summer (they aren’t great shops but still). Well if nothing else comes off I think I might go to a charity shop, and get some retail experience. A couple of the vacancies were in charity shops. Hopefully I’d get an enormous sense of well-being too, since I’d be volunteering outside D of E lol.

I guess I’ll need to wait till uni, and get a saturday job. One that is permanent.

The way we live.

•July 29, 2008 • 1 Comment

I wanted to write something deeper, something more meaningful. So here goes.

Whenever I was working really hard, or revising really hard, I always used to think ‘I’ll work harder than I should and achieve what I need to’ I thought this in a way such that it was all my life was about. Like it was what we were created to do. Our purpose in life, to work. Which essentially is correct. In today’s society our lives revolve around earning money so that we can live how we want to. This is the norm, and has been for quite some time I believe. We earn money so we can eat, have somewhere to rest etc. What is my point you ask?

Well in the last 2 years or so I have been converted into someone who cares about the environment a lot. It is our future after all. This has lead me to think of how we can reduce our impact on the earth, and this in turn got me thinking about what people would of done thousands of years ago. Back then people wouldn’t have had any impact on their environment around them on the scale we are today. We surely lived like other animals. Dependant on daylight and the nature around us.

In fact we are nature. We are animals, wildlife just like the rest of nature. We just seem to have forgotten it in a big way. Now we live in urban environments, far away from our natural home. We are dependant on nature, yet we have distanced ourselves from it to a great degree. We all live in our immaculate, dirt-free homes. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in trees or something lol. But anyway that will never happen. Basically we and the environment are the same thing. We should be stewards of it, not destroyers for personal gain. In fact greed and want for more land etc must be the cause of every man-made problem in the world today, but I guess that is another discussion.

What I was trying to say before I went off topic, is that our bodies are not equiped for the lives we try to make them live. Think about it, if we didn’t have jobs and all the rest of it, what would we be doing? I reckon we’d be chilling. Sleeping for most of the day, before getting up to look for some grub. No stress, no problems, generally happy. Although probably monkey beings too.

So when I’m putting myself through exam stress, or just general work, when I feel my body aching. It isn’t because everyone should experience it. It is because our bodies aren’t meant to be treated this way. Spending huge amounts of time with my elbows on my desk surely can’t be right. Nor can sitting at a desk all day. No other creature acts in this way. Our bodies weren’t meant to be treated this way. So what is the answer? Maybe I won’t achieve what I need to, maybe I won’t get where I want to go. But the way I see it, shouldn’t life be enjoyed? Can’t I just go to an island somewhere with the people I love, make a vegetable patch, and a shelter and live in it? Can’t I just escape modern life?

I don’t like it.

A happy life would surely involve a lot of chilling :). But then what do I know? I am a bit young and idealistic. I might go off somewhere when I finish my degree at uni though, or get a really easy going job. But I doubt that will happen. Basically what I think I’m trying to say, is that we should all be more self sufficient.What happens when we run out of oil? No one can get anywhere because there is no transport etc.

But wait, can’t we just walk places? Or maybe even cycle? I think life should be lived at a slower pace. At the moment it seems everything is going so fast that before you know it you don’t have a lot of life left.

What happens when we run out of food? Why don’t we all grow our own food? Doesn’t that make sense? So much land is wasted as gardens :p. Oh yeah, gardens. Whilst mowing the churchyard I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nicer to be buried in a meadow? Where the grass roams free? Why do we have lawns? Why must we get rid of every weed in the garden? The reason weeds grow in the cracks of patios etc is because nature is trying to reclaim the land we have stolen from it. I hope I can let my garden roam free. Into a forest. lol. I am so idealistic its funny. But this is surely the way to a better life, where there is less pressure, less worry.

I think noise creates stress. My mum and sister seem to have to watch TV all the time. For example, they seem incapable of eating breakfast without watching the breakfast news. Now it just seems to hurt my ears. My sister likes having the television on for background noise when she is doing something else. What is that about? Music is fine, but daytime television? Quiet would surely be a nicer atmosphere. Maybe just to go outside and listen to the sound of nature. Again, distancing from nature is evident. Whatever happened to going outside and exploring or doing cool stuff. Now it is just stay inside, watch TV, play on computer, write blogs :p. Constant exercise would be better methinks.

I am generalising from my own life here. So please don’t take offence or anything like that. Also I think this blog would have come out better if it was quiet, and I wasn’t listening to music. lol. It must be that we think that certain things are more enjoyable than the things I suggest we do here. Because I am guilty of not doing them enough. I’d probably rather play on my xbox than go out for a walk. I suppose what I am trying to do is bring more people round to my way of thinking if possible? But am now quite confused myself. Everything came out in a jumbled mess thanks to the chemical brothers.

But yeah, appreciate the world and environment we live in, and try more to become one with it. We are a part of it ourselves. We are completely dependant on it, whereas it isn’t on us. It will bounce back once humans are gone. Just depends on how long humans can keep it habitable for themselves. I hope this will be forever, maybe till the sun dies lol. This isn’t morbid… just do the green stuff you know you should. Maybe that saying if you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves applies here. If everyone does their little bits, then we’ll get that big difference. Just keep on trying – its so worth it. I want future generations to be able to experience the beauty of the world as I know it. The environment is the most beautiful thing there is.

To any of my friends still with me on this post, as in you have read this far, I am not a raving lunatic :p, nor am I depressed, nor will I bore you with this stuff in conversation. Just attempting something a bit deeper, but it hasn’t worked too well.

I will post again on this subject when I am more coherent.

Wow 1263 words 🙂

Anyway, I’m off for a walk.

I’m Bored.

•July 28, 2008 • Leave a Comment

It has finally happened. This is the first point in the last month of holiday that I have felt bored. I want to run around outside but its a bit dark. I might do anyway. Just need to stretch my legs.

My anti-boredom device has lost it’s power. This was never meant to happen! My xbox 360 headset broke about a week ago, so I can’t go on live and play with my friends because it is too annoying when one person doesn’t have any way of communicating. Not only that but I haven’t bought any new games for ages.

So here I am, writing a blog, because I am bored. It is actually working. I think my legs want to be stretched because I cycled to town earlier, and worked them much harder than I have for days. Stupid painting warhammer and msn :p. Why else am I bored? Well because I won’t be meeting friends until friday. Hmm, I think I’ll organise something then. I must stop moping. I love these blogs just for the fact that they solve problems in your life, which you didn’t realise were there or how to solve until it was down in front of you.

Glad I started it now.

Anyway, now that everything is clearer, I think I shall go for a run in the dark, then paint some more warhammer – I got my first bid on my tank for £4.99 so things are looking up, and I’m excited!


•July 28, 2008 • 1 Comment

I have problems with being too nice… Over the past few months I have been asked for small change for phone calls. If I have the money I’ll give it to these complete strangers, because it seems plausible enough. Although today I got annoyed. This guy asked me for 80p outside the post office, I gave it to him because I had the money, he said something about needing it to go to Bristol. The reason I got more annoyed this time was because he seemed like he wasn’t going to Bristol. Then I thought about the other people who I gave money. They weren’t from around our local area. This guy was northern. So these people probably travel around the country asking innocent and kind members of the British public for a small amount of money. Making a living out of other people’s earnings. The other thing that made me think this was that I always seem to get targeted. I don’t think I look that kind, maybe just naive/young enough to believe what they are saying.

The best one was in Berlin, when a beggar came up to me with a piece of typed paper. It said some stuff about her being from bolivia, and not able to look after her family. This made me feel bad, and I promptly emptied the change from my wallet into her cupped hands. Then another beggar saw me do this, and came over, with an almost identical sheet of paper, only this one didn’t say stuff about her kid. The font was the same though. I had no change left, so told her to go and share with the other beggar.

The way they roped you in with that scam was to say ‘Do you speak english?’ I soon learnt to just shake my head. Picking on tourists is so mean. Although I sound like a hypocrite I shall say it anyway. Why don’t these people go and get a job?

Next time someone asks me for 30p or however much, I might just tell them to get a proper job. Or maybe just say I have none to spare. My hard earned money should not go into their pockets. (I actually did earn money for doing the churchyard)

Anyway, rant over. I need to stop thinking that everyone is genuine. I need to stop being taken in. When it all adds up it becomes a lot of money.

Lol, just had a great idea. Each time someone asks for money, get your camera out and once you give or don’t give them your money take a snapshot. Then add them to your personal database of scammers. Or even better just say no.


•July 28, 2008 • Leave a Comment

I love holiday – but during the week when my parents aren’t home is better. Otherwise you get loads of chores. But as it is, I’m just chilling. I just put my first listing up on ebay for my warhammer tank, so I’m pretty pleased too.

Whilst making my listing I watched Blades of Glory with my sister. For anyone that doesn’t know, it has will ferrel and the guy from napoleon dynamite in. I thought it was quite amusing, just because it was so strange. Like at the end they fly out of the ice rink stadium on rocket powered ice skates, and then fly off into the sky. Luckily it wasn’t taking itself seriously! It was ever so slightly homoerotic too. More so than a drunken musical that was performed by 2 men at a party I went to recently… Luckily I was distracted so didn’t have to pay too much attention to that.

Anyway, I think I might cycle to town now and buy an OS map. I love chilling. Although I’ll need to wash the cars for my Dad some time tonight. He will pay me to do a full valet for the 3 cars we own.

I have pictures relevant to some of my past blogs that I will try and put up now. Check them out if you want.


•July 27, 2008 • 1 Comment

Ok so this is a really boring, really quick post that I am writing because I need to do a blog entry for anyone that reads this stuff :p. Be grateful since I would be in bed right now…

So today was good, I just finished painting a warhammer 40k tank which I plan to now sell on ebay. Took me what seemed like forever so I’d better get a fair price for it. Should be an interesting experience too. I’ve never sold on ebay before, and never sent a parcel. But hopefully this will run smoothly. Once I get it up on ebay I might put the link on here so you can see how well painted it is :p. It was just going to be really knew and clean looking, but I made it rusty in the end, I hope it looks good though.

That is about it for now I suppose. I get to cycle to the post office tomorrow to find out what postage and packaging will cost for it too. I think I’ll get an OS map of the local area as well because I want to do some long distance cycling. In case you are wondering I’m not quite as poor anymore. But still poor. Although I can afford a map… Which hopefully will pay for itself in the long run if I can cycle places instead of using a car or bus.

Anyway, sleep beckons…

Here are some pics of my tank – I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of the post so am putting them in at the end.

I’m tired

•July 26, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Well… this is my first blog that I have written as a man. Yesterday I turned 18 at long last. So now I can do what everyone else has been doing for the past year, but legally. I had friends from college over, but I didn’t get drunk. However I did drink more in one night than I have ever drunk in one night before – about 4 beers. Yes, I seem odd, in that I haven’t been drunk yet. Truth is, I look really drunk all the time when I’m at parties. Drunker than those who are very drunk. But anyway, the title of this blog is about me being tired. I shall elaborate.

My friends played super smash brawl on the Wii until about 5:30am this morning. I attempted sleep, but they were excited, so it didn’t really work… I then got up at about 8:30am, so I’m tired now. I bet I’m not as tired as my friend who stopped playing on the Wii when he realised it was time that he should leave to go to work. I hope he wasn’t too drunk when he got there. If anyone read my post about life, I can also inform you that the churchyard got mown. That was a tiring experience, even though it was on thursday. If you remember how hot thursday was then 3.5 hours mowing around gravestones probably wasn’t the best idea at midday. But it was appreciated (and my dad will give me money, so its all good :p).