
For some reason I suck at poker. Well when it’s live with people I do. Maybe we should have switched the dealer round more. Or maybe I shouldn’t have gone all in on 3 and 4 of spades, after getting nothing on the flop. It was the exact hand that my friendly corner companion went out on. Maybe if I had more chips it would have worked as a bluff lol. But there are too many maybes. Basically I lost. But I can blame it on the luck that came my way. My best hand was 2 pair. After betting big I find that 2 of my opponents also have 2 pair. Only to find that they have a pair of sixes come up on the last two cards when my queens and tens was on the flop. And each of them have pocket kings. What is with that? They both have pocket kings, they split the pot. I am really down on chips. So believe me, I was unlucky.

Not only last night did my luck suck. The last poker night I had a total of 3 winning hands – out of every hand I was dealt only 3 of them would have won. It may have been worse last night. The only hands I did win – 2 to be precise, I won by bluffing on the button to win the blinds. I just don’t understand how my luck could be so bad. I was also dealt a lot of hands in case you are wondering!

So yeah, my luck with live poker is awful. When the night before on for play money I was rly lucky. I was cleaning up. I thought about playing with real money online. But having been addicted (I say addicted but I just played it quite a lot) to the play money one, I shan’t. It’s a slippery slope. Pokerstars has now been deleted from my system just in case. I was of the mindset that £5 wouldn’t hurt, then I could use my winnings to make more. But that leads to a bad place. I’d probly be like ‘another £5 wouldn’t matter…

So I’ll stick to live poker. Next time I think I’ll deal when it’s my turn. That will surely help.

Anyway, paintballing tomorrow. That will be fun, I’ll report on how it went if I remember.

Oh yeah I sold my tank on ebay for £18, but to someone in Ireland. They haven’t yet paid though, so could have problems. But a decent enough price I feel.

Peace out.

~ by darnip on August 5, 2008.

One Response to “Poker”

  1. Wooooo it’s back! How did you manage that?

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